Monday, December 8, 2008

I'm on my own now!

Well, my mom is gone and Rich went back to work. I keep wondering what I'm going to do with five kids by myself. I'm feeling very out numbered, yet very blessed. We had a great time with my mom here. We kept very busy. I didn't realize how tired I was until we got home from the airport and all I wanted to do was sleep. While mom was here we went and cut down our Christmas tree and went on a sleigh ride in the snow (mom stayed in the car with Garrett-she didn't want to get snowed on!) We baked lots of goodies, we decorated sugar cookies with the kids and went shopping for Christmas presents. We also went to Longview Lake and looked at the Christmas lights. They do a huge display of lights and they are so fun to watch. My kids keep asking if we can go back to see the moving lights since they have displays of characters riding skate boards or skiing, etc. It was really cool. We also drove to the plaza to look at lights down there. I've decided that driving all the way to the plaza to look at lights on buildings is quite boring. I'd rather look at lights in the neighborhood, they are more exciting. Anyway, we kept busing while mom was here and I was sad that she had to go home. Paris keeps walking around the house looking for Grammie and I know that Savannah misses her. Grammie would hold Savannah when I was holding the baby- yes she is spoiled. Well, Garrett is getting big way too fast. I can't believe how long it takes for the nine months to get here and then how quickly they grow up. It seems it should be the opposite. This is my last baby and I'm trying to cherish every moment. Although I'm struggling to enjoy this adjustment period that my family is going through. The kids have not been very good since we brought the baby home and I hope this will pass soon. I finally got so frustrated this morning that I broke down in tears. They didn't understand why I was sad and I told them that I just wanted them to behave and it made me sad that they weren't getting along with each other. They all told me they would try, but soon forgot as they were fighting about 5 minutes later. Oh well, this too shall pass- I hope. Well, I'm just rambling on so I'll stop but I wanted to post some cute pictures of the kids.
Isn't he so cute?
Paris and Dakota waiting for the Christmas tree to be bagged. Tyler ended up in the car after about 10 minutes b/c he was too cold.
Decorating cookies is so much fun.
My sweet baby boy.
Grammie with Garrett before she left.
Paris and Savannah are such big helpers when it comes to taking pictures.


Lacey said...

What a cute family you have. Your kids are so cute. I can sympathize with you on the fighting, it seems like all I do is referee one fight after another, and I only have 3, and only 2 of them can talk. I think that's why Heavenly Father makes them so cute, so that we don't kill them. :)

Holly said...

I LOVE the picture of Garret with the santa hat on! So cute. I feel for you--I know it is taboo to say, but I'm convinced that the reason we CAN cherrish our little ones is that they do grow so FAST--otherwise none of us would survive :)

Stuart and Sarah said...

Love your back drop. Your kids are so big I can't believe it. Garrett is so BIG. 5 to 1, I hope mom wins everytime!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update, Hill. Cute new layout too! I love when people post pictures. Sorry you are all alone. Believe me, if I could, I would totally be there helping you with the kids. We miss you so much. Especially with Christmas coming. All our love!

Advice from Ordinary People Flourishing Together said...

He is so cute! Congratulations. I don't know how you do five kids, I think that I would go nuts. You seriously are wonder woman. Are you guys coming to Utah anytime?

The Bloomin' Fields said...

Super cute pics! Love the pics of Garrett. What a cutie!! He looks like his daddy. Miss ya! Happy holidays.

Tina said...

Hi Hillary I just found your blog through Jade's. What a cute little family you have. Five kids - you must be a supermom. By the way, the new little one is so cute and, I love his name!!!